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My Idol

My Idol
Taylor Swift

Dampak Teknologi

      Human  is the most perfect creature. With all the minds and thoughts. it  could interact with the environment and could make an innovation for civilisation in this world. With the existence kuroisitas, humans always developed science so as to be born latest technology like that was felt by us at this time. Technology increasingly developing fast from time to time. This also caused all the available impacts in the technology. Many The positive effects could be felt by us at this time. However, that was incomparable with the impact of the negative that in produced. Many people who abused this technology. Like many him children who opened sites that necessarily might not in access by them. The other impact, many children that not come to  school only to play playstations and game Online. Certainly him, this was very disturbing would the development of the quality of human resources. Necessarily, the parents more capable and continued to supervise their child's activity in order to not have the deviation that happened.

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