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My Idol

My Idol
Taylor Swift

celine dion : That's the way it is

I can read your mind
and I know your story
 I see what you're going through
It's an uphill climb, and I'm feeling sorry
But I know it will come to you
 Don't surrender 'cause you can win
In this thing called love

When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
 Don't give up on your faith
 Love comes to those who believe it
 And that's the way it is

When you question me for a simple answer
 I don't know what to say, no
But it's plain to see, if you stick together
 You're gonna find a way, yeah
So don't surrender 'cause you can win
 In this thing called love

When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it And that's the way it is
 When life is empty with no tomorrow And loneliness starts to call
Baby, don't worry, forget your sorrow
'Cause love's gonna conquer it all, all

When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is
When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
 Don't give up on your faith
 Love comes to those who believe it And that's the way it is
That's the way it is
That's the way it is, babe
 Don't give up on your faith
 Love comes to those who believe it
 And that's the way it is.

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The most of  people have said that if the someone be faulty,, all of them never give for his to learn about this life. all of them want to get job, education and everything. all of them just need opportunity to make a something and maybe you cant to do it.

The reason why many people have avoid them :

1.  maybe the people think it's so danger if we so close with them

2.never knew what the effect from this illness

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Pengertian dan Tujuan Media Pembelajaran

Pengertian media pembelajaran antara lain disampaikan oleh beberapa pakar pendidikan. Mulyani Sumantri (2000: 125) menuliskan : menurut Bringgs (1970) ialah segala alat fisik yang dapat menyajikan pesan serta perangsang peserta didik untuk belajar, contoh : buku, film, kaset. Dan Aristo Rahardi (2003: 9) menuliskan menurut Asosiasi Teknoligi Komunikasi Pendidikan (AECT) , media pembelajaran adalah segala sesuatu yang digunakan orang untuk menyalurkan pesan. Sedangkan Noehi Nasution (2004: 7.3) menuliskan media pembelajaran menurut (1) Gagne, media pembelajaran sebagai komponen sumber belajar di lingkungan siswa yang dapat merangsang siswa untuk belajar, (2) Briggs, media pembelajaran adalah wahana fisik yang mengandung materi pelajaran, dan (3) Wilbur Schramm, media pembelajaran adalah teknik pembawa informasi atau pesan pembelajaran. Menurut Yusuf Hadi Miarso : media pembelajaran adalah segala sesuatu yang dapat merangsang terjadinya proses belajar.
Dengan memperhatikan definisi yang dikemukakan di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang di maksud dengan media pembelajaran secara umum adalah segala alat pengajaran yang digunakan untuk untuk membantu guru dalam menyampaikan materi pelajaran kepada siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar sehingga memudahkan pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran yang sudah dirumuskan.

Media pembelajaran di sekolah digunakan dengan tujuan antara lain sebagai berikut :
1) Memberikan kemudahan kepada peserta didik untuk lebih memahami konsep, prinsip, dan ketrampilan tertentu dengan menggunakan media yang paling tepat menurut sifat bahan ajar.
2) Memberikan pengalaman belajar yang berbeda dan bervariasi sehingga lebih merangsang minat dan motivasi peserta didik untuk belajar.
3) Menumbuhkan sikap dan ketrampilan tertentu dalam teknologi karena peserta didik tertarik untuk menggunakan atau mengoperasikan media tertentu.
4) Menciptakan situasi belajar yang tidak dapat dilupakan peserta didik.
5) Memperjelas informasi atau pesan pembelajaran.
6) Meningkatkan kualitas belajar mengajar.

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Fungsi media

Dalam proses belajar mengajar, fungsi media menurut Nana Sudjana ( 1991 ) yakni: :

  1. Penggunaan media dalam proses mengajar bukan merupakan fungsi tambahan, tetapi mempunyai fungsi sendiri sebagai alat bantu untuk mewujudkan situasi belajar mengajar yang efektif.
  2. Penggunaan media pengajaran merupakan bagian yangintegral dari keseluruhan situasi mengajar. Ini berarti bahwa media pengajaran merupakan salah satu unsur yang harus dikembangkan guru.
  3. Media dalam pengajaran penggunaannya bersifat integral dengan tujuan dan isi pelajaran.
  4. Penggunaan media bukan semata - mata sebagai alat huburan yang digunakan hanya sekedar melengkapi proses belajar supaya lebih menarik perhatian siswa.
  5. Penggunaan media dalam proses pembelajaran lebih diutamakan untuk mempercepat proses belajar dan membantu siswa dalam menagkap pengertian yang diberikan guru.
  6. Pengguna media dalam pengajaran diutamakan untuk mempertinggi mutu belajar mengajar.

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Belajar dan Pembelajaran

   Belajar merupakan suatu proses yang dialami seseorang yang akan menghasilkan suatu perubahan baik dari segi positif maupun negatif. Dalam proses belajar terdapat 2 unsur yang harus ada, yaitu : Pendidik dan peserta didik.
Perubahan Hasil belajar yaitu :

  • Pola Pikir
  • Keberadaan kita di suatu tempat bermanfaat bagi orang lain.
  • Taraf Ekonomi menjadi meningkat
  •  bisa Manage diri sendiri
  • Dapat mengembangkan ilmu
Komponen-komponen belajar :
  1. Komponen Pedagogik ( Tingkat Pendidikan Seseorang).
  2. Komponen Kepribadian
  3. Komponen Sosial
  4. Profesional
Beljar ttidak hanya di dapat di lingkungan sekolah saja, tapi juga di dapat di lingkungan keluarga. Keluarga merupakan hal yang paling utama karena disini lah Pola tingkah laku anak trerbentuk.
belajar tidak akan terllaksanaa dengan baik apabila si anak belum siap untuk menerima pelajaran. Seorang pendidik haruus mampu untuk memotivasi anak dan memberi pengarahan materi dengan monoton.

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Some people often say, "Can we apply today the same barbarous punishments which were applied long ago in the desert? Is it permissible to cut a thief's hand for five shillings? Could such things take place in the 21st century, which regards the criminal as the victim of society and maintains that he is entitled to medical treatment rather than... punishment?" How is it that the 21st century permits the slaughter of forty thousand innocent people in North Africa but forbids the rightful punishment of one single criminal !

Crime is often regarded as an individual aggression against the community. That is why the concept of crime and punishment is closely connected with a nation's concept of the individual-com­munity relationship.
Communism refers offences to economic rather than psychological considerations--as Freud and other psychologists did. Communism holds that a society which suffers from economic disorder cannot foster virtues. Therefore criminals should not be punished.
Islam never prescribes punishments haphazardly nor does it execute these without due consideration. In this respect Islam has a unique theory which combines the best of both worlds: the com­munist as well as the individualistic theories. Islam holds the balance of justice in the right manner and insists on examining all conditions and circumstances connected with the offence. On studying a crime Islam takes into account two considerations at the same time; the viewpoint of the criminal and that of the community against which aggression took place
Islam recognizes the strength and importunity of sex but it tries to satisfy the sexual instinct through legal means i.e. marriage. Therefore Islam advocates early marriage and provides aid from the public treasury for those who wish to get married yet cannot afford to do so. On the other hand, Islam purifies society from temptations which excite the passions. It also prescribes lofty and noble ideals which exhaust excessive vitality and direct it into the service of public interest. It prefers that leisure time should be spent in trying to become closer and closer to God. In this manner Islam eradicates all motives that may lead to crime. Nevertheless, Islam does not hasten to inflict punishment unless the criminal has disregarded traditions and degenerated to animality by committing adultery so openly that he could be seen by four eye-witnesses.
It may be said that the present economic, social and moral conditions make it difficult for young men to get married and consequently they are led to adultery. There is some truth in that. But when Islam is truly applied there will be no maddening crazy temptations which lead young men to corruption, and there will be no pornographic motion pictures, newspapers or songs

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Dampak Teknologi

      Human  is the most perfect creature. With all the minds and thoughts. it  could interact with the environment and could make an innovation for civilisation in this world. With the existence kuroisitas, humans always developed science so as to be born latest technology like that was felt by us at this time. Technology increasingly developing fast from time to time. This also caused all the available impacts in the technology. Many The positive effects could be felt by us at this time. However, that was incomparable with the impact of the negative that in produced. Many people who abused this technology. Like many him children who opened sites that necessarily might not in access by them. The other impact, many children that not come to  school only to play playstations and game Online. Certainly him, this was very disturbing would the development of the quality of human resources. Necessarily, the parents more capable and continued to supervise their child's activity in order to not have the deviation that happened.

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